Our premium coconut substrate is an ideal choice of bedding for frogs, toads, tortoises, turtles, lizards, snakes and many insects.
Coconut substrate is a popular choice for rainforest, woodland and bioactive terrariums. Coconut substrate will create a natural and tropical habitat.
Coco husk can be used as a dry substrate or soaked in water to create a more humid environment.
Our coconut substrate is 100% natural and is washed multiple times before being compressed into a block.
Unlike other brands, our substrate contains minimum dust, and extremely low salt levels making it safe for all types of reptiles.
We offer two types of coco husk, breeder and hatchling!

Viper breeder block consists of chunky cut pieces of coco husk, this cut will make spot cleaning a simple task!
This is a popular choice for adult reptiles from ball pythons to boas and even tegus!
One block of breeder bedding will expand to up to 80 litres!

Viper hatchling block consists of fine cut pieces of coconut substrate, this is the perfect choice for animals that love to dig and burrow.
Young reptiles do well on our hatchling substrate as it has a very soft finish creating a comfortable environment.
One block of hatchling substrate will expand to up to 80 litres!

Our essential oil is designed to create a fresh and healthy environment for reptiles!
Eucalyptus works fantastic as a natural disinfectant and as a fungus and Insect repellent keeping mites and lice away from your reptile enclosure!
Eucalyptus is known to reduce stress levels, it helps with respiratory issues and boosts the immune system too!
We highly recommend adding viperlyptus to viper bedding during the "block expansion " process.
5-10 drops of viperlyptus will give off enough scent to help relax your reptiles, creating a clean and healthy home for them to enjoy.
We also recommend adding a couple of drops to a humidifier, this will clean the air around your reptiles.
Never use essential oils directly on animals.

Our multi-purpose cleaner is designed to make cleaning chores a little more enjoyable to say the least!
This powerful cleaning aid not only makes cleaning tubs and enclosures easy, it also contains eucalyptus which will give off a fresh and clean smell.
Eucalyptus is known to reduce stress and help with respiratory issues.
Venom will kill 99% of bacteria, fungus, fruit fly and red mite eggs!
Using Venom will also prevent bacteria growth.
Viper venom is used without the need of scrubbing, just spray and wipe!
Venom is 100% reptile safe.

Growth, breeding & prime conditioning formula
Stimulates appetite
Promotes healthy scales
Great for calcium deficiency
Works great for animals with MBD
Improves overall health and growth
Phenomenal for recovering animals after breeding season
Enhances overall activity